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Please visit our sister site,
It is dedicated to being
a touchstone site furnishing relevant and available resources for anyone interested in dreams.
Please remember, we encourage the use of proper inner and outer disciplines while pursuing the process of inner individuation work. Just like Jung, our goal within this journey is to manifest the chance
to reach within, and
not only find,
but consciously register,
with considerable sentience,
true heartfelt meaning.
Don't forget that there is a smaller readers edition available for Jung's, The Red Book
Jung's grand imagery and amazing paintings are not in the Readers Edition but the smaller size is handy when one begins reading the details and translations of this courageous work.
please visit our sister site:
Whilst and are currently under construction,
they are being built for participants
in a deeper future.
These techniques don’t change through time
and we are building it
for the modern mother’s concern for their children's future.
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